Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Pun of “Apple v Pepper” not withstanding, this upcoming Supreme Court case will decided if App stores are illegal monopolies.

The Pun of “Apple v Pepper” not withstanding, this upcoming Supreme Court case will decided if App stores are illegal monopolies.

Yes, I would say this is important for the industry!  Pepper, and Company. is using the argument that Apple 30% cut inflates the App prices. Related ruling have been going this way!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Friday, September 28, 2018

Larry Wall, founder of Pearl, is asked what 5 programming languages everyone should know

Larry Wall, founder of Pearl, is asked what 5 programming languages everyone should know

His list of 5 languages is not as interesting as the reasons why!

New favorite programmer quote: “Java is the Cobol of the 21st century. It’s kind of heavy weight, verbose and everyone loves to hate it, though not everyone will admit that.”

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Developed by Netflix, Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform

Developed by Netflix, Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform.

Driven by their upcoming summit, Jenny Medeiros  explains why Netflix decided on Spinnaker.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Richard Moss, author of History of Mac Gaming, has his eye on history of Shareware

Richard Moss, author of History of Mac Gaming, has his eye on history of Shareware.

The evolution of Shareware has direct impact on the App stores of today.  Richard is only partially funded to his goal, so please considering helping him.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Special Announcement: Looking for Crowd Funding partner

Special Announcement:

I have a couple of software ideas which I need money to develop, possibly through Crowd Funding.  To accomplish this, I need to work with someone who has knowledge in this area.  Does anyone have experience with Kickstarter or other social funding sites? Or know someone who would be a good Campaign Manager?  The projects deal with areas of VR, AR or iPad development.

CNN does a perfect review of the new iPhones, along with their opinion of who should upgrade.

CNN does a perfect review of the new iPhones, along with their opinion of who should upgrade.

“Fantastic phones, but don’t think I really need to update” were the words out of my mouth after the demo. CNN seems to agree.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Let’s remove all the windows from luxury Jet, and replace it with floor to ceiling VR screen.

Let’s remove all the windows from luxury Jet, and replace it with floor to ceiling VR screen.

10-15 years in the future? Some how I doubt it, but Higher Perspective explains the idea in this 2014 posting.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Siri Shortcuts may be the success story of iOS iOS 12, but only an app been modified to support them.

Siri Shortcuts may be the success story of iOS iOS 12, but only an app been modified to support them.

iMore has compiled a list of 60 of most useful apps that work with Siri Shortcuts

Friday, September 21, 2018

Raw String, unknown enums, counting methods, oh my. It is not to early to start thinking about Swift 5

Raw String, unknown enums, counting methods, oh my. It is not to early to start thinking about Swift 5

Hacking with Swift points out the new features of Swift 5, and how to learn more.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

iOSDevCamp DC will be posting all of the videos from this years conference.

iOSDevCamp DC will be posting all of the videos from this years conference. Aileen Nielsen’s “Understanding the Machine Learning Behind Common iOS Use Cases” is first posting. iOSDevCamp DC youtube channel:

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Open AR Cloud is an open standard initiative to create “digital copy of the real world that can be accessed by any user at any time”.

Open AR Cloud is an open standard initiative to create “digital copy of the real world that can be accessed by any user at any time”.

ZDNet compares the indexing of real world data for AR data similar to Google indexing of all text for the Web.  Important stuff!

Direct Link to organization involved:

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Another great article from RayWenderlich’s site describes Image Recognition using ML on your Android phone.

Another great article from RayWenderlich’s site describes Image Recognition using ML on your Android phone.

Aldo Olivares explains how to use the new ML Kit library from Google, complete with source code examples.

Monday, September 17, 2018

HeadGaze SDK uses ARKit to navigate your phone without using your hands.

HeadGaze SDK uses ARKit to navigate your phone without using your hands.

This open source from Ebay use your iPhone camera to track your head position to control your app.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

This 15 year old updates traditional white cane for the blind.

This 15 year old updates traditional white cane for the blind.

Riya Karumanchi creation has haptic GPS, ultrasonic proximity sensor and in the future, AI based object recognition.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

All Free to Play Game Developer should take a look at where the money is coming from.

All Free to Play Game Developer should take a look at where the money is coming from.

Richard Harris of App Dev magazine explains more people are willing to casual pay.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Here is a simple idea: subtle bolding of text button in alert boxes to indicate suggested action.

Here is a simple idea: subtle bolding of text button in alert boxes to indicate suggested action.

As part of his series of tutorials, Mark Moeykens explains how to change the style of UIAlerts buttons. Check out his other lessons.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

CNET talks about what was not announced at yesterdays Apple Event.

CNET talks about what was not announced at yesterdays Apple Event.

Yes, I liked the new iPhone X s, but I was more concerned about what was not talked about. Things that are badly needed in Apple’s product line.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Just reminder, Apple Sept 12 event is happening today.

Just reminder, Apple Sept 12 event is happening today.

If you can watch it live, it will be quickly posted. I expect a new Watch & iPhone. I hope to see new Mac Mini!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Using Animation in UX is more an Art than a Science, but there are rules you can follow.

Using Animation in UX is more an Art than a Science, but there are rules you can follow. 

Taras Skytskyi excellent guide to what makes good animation for websites & apps.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sunday, September 9, 2018

An articles explaining why UX (User Experience) should include using User-Centric Language in your design.

An articles explaining why UX (User Experience) should include using User-Centric Language in your design.

Alana Schroeder explains why the language you choose for websites and apps is as important as the function of the site/app.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

One of the top Swift developer conferences has opened registration.

One of the top Swift developer conferences has opened registration.

Swift by Northwest will be held on Oct 18-20, 2018 in Portland OR.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Thursday, September 6, 2018

VIVE announced pre-order for their wireless solution to HTC VIVE And VIVE Pro.

VIVE announced pre-order for their wireless solution to HTC VIVE And VIVE Pro.

Removing the heavy cable attached to the headset is a huge step forward to better VR immersion.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

From the 2015 Game Developer Conference, panel of developer dissecting a very specific game system in exacting detail.

From the 2015 Game Developer Conference, panel of developer dissecting a very specific game system in exacting detail.

Another example of good content in the GDC Vault.

Silicon Valley has a new Technology Incubator for Medical Startups

Silicon Valley has a new Technology Incubator for Medical Startups

I think we will be seeing more of this type of dedicated innovation centers for specific areas of research.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Changing a long standing ban on Nazi imagery in games, Wolfenstein 2 will shipped unaltered in Germany.

Changing a long standing ban on Nazi imagery in games, Wolfenstein 2 will shipped unaltered in Germany.

Strangely movies (ex Indiana Jones) have been allowed to show Nazi as bad guys, but not video games. Courts have relaxed this ban.

I understand the ban, but also think it was inconsistently, and unfairly, applied.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Who wants to speak about VR/AR?

Who wants to speak about VR/AR?  I am organizing several discussions on Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality at MagFest.  MagFest is “dedicated to the appreciation of video game music, gaming of all types, and the gaming community”.  MagFest is held Jan 3-6, 2019 at the Gaylord National Resort, National Harbor, MD.  Please contact me if you want to be part of a panel, or demonstrate your game or want to give a related talk of your own!  Come talk about something!

DC/VA/MD area convention on Music & Gaming shows off loads of independent works.

DC/VA/MD area convention on Music & Gaming shows off loads of independent works.

MagFest (Jan 3-6, 2019) also have some serious track on game design. I have been attending regularly.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

California Lawmakers pass bill to bring back Net Neutrality. Now we will see if the FCC objects.

California Lawmakers pass bill to bring back Net Neutrality.  Now we will see if the FCC objects.

It still has to be signed by the Gov, but if passed, prohibits internet providers from setting speed or access of site based on how much sites pays them.