Tuesday, March 31, 2020

An in-depth article by Amirzhan Idryshev exploring all the different design architecture for iOS

An in-depth article by Amirzhan Idryshev exploring all the different design architecture for iOS

A very good explanation of the pro & cons of MVC, MVVM, MVP, VIPER, with an interesting conclusion.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Personal Request

Personal Request: Due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, I have a couple of young ladies who are currently looking for Remote Online Work. If you have any position or work, please contact me. Since their employment may not be there when things return to normal, they are looking for permanent or temporary positions. Thank you!

Despite a rocky upgrade fo Python 2, Python is now the 2nd more popular language, pushing Java aside.

Despite a rocky upgrade fo Python 2, Python is now the 2nd more popular language, pushing Java aside.

Wired magazine explains that the increase in popularity was a bit unexpected.

ps. Javascript is still number one

Wired article about the minefield of upgrading Python 2 to Python 3: https://www.wired.com/story/think-app-updates-suck-try-upgrading-programming-language/

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Azat Zulkarnyaev of Magic Laps shares their solutions to the problem of Universal Navigation in iOS.

Azat Zulkarnyaev of Magic Laps shares their solutions to the problem of Universal Navigation in iOS.

Having a global router allows for navigation of any screen from any location.

I had a similar issue when writing on a custom app for all Lexus car dealerships. Having a way to bookmark any screen (or content of a screen), not only allowed for more free-range navigation within the app, but also allowed for Favorite marking, Table of Contents, and Indexes. The more we had it, the more uses we found for it. 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Unix Toolbox is a website containing collects of common Unix/Linux/BSD Commands.

Unix Toolbox is a website containing collects of common Unix/Linux/BSD Commands.

Both a tutorial and a cheat sheet, this is a great resource for any developer.

I have a love/hate relationship with Unix. Ever since early days at UC Berkeley, I love the power of Unix, as well as the ease of command, but I also hate that I use it for a project, then go to some IDE that does not require the use of the Command line, and when I return, I have to learn it all over again.  This website helps me!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Continuing on the UX topic of Neumorphic, Michal Malewicz article explores different UIs using this new trend.

Continuing on the UX topic of Neumorphic, Michal Malewicz article explores different UIs using this new trend.

I liked the “mid-way to realism” description to visualize what Neumorphic is striving for.

Note: The article, and coding, is for webpages, but the same ideas can easily be used in Desktop & Mobile programming

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

A nice presentation by Leandro Pérez diving into Modular Architecture, specifically iOS asset Dependencies

A nice presentation by Leandro Pérez diving into Modular Architecture, specifically iOS asset Dependencies

He gives real code examples of sharing assets between code like fonts and images.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

OpenXR, the royalty-free open-source standard for cross-platform VR, will soon be coming to Quest & Rift.

OpenXR, the royalty-free open-source standard for cross-platform VR, will soon be coming to Quest & Rift.

RoadToVR explains this unifying API for VR & AR hardware.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Jeremiah Lam explains Breadcrumbs, UI Controls that assist users within directories structure.

Jeremiah Lam explains Breadcrumbs, UI Controls that assist users within directories structure.

Within a file system or website, this interface helps a user know where he is and where he can move to.

Note: I never heard the term breadcrumbs before. In the Mac world, they are called “Path Controls”. But as soon as Jeremiah said Breadcrumbs, I understand the design.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Robots do not have to have a human body or even rigid limbs, at this one shows.

Robots do not have to have a human body or even rigid limbs, at this one shows.

Standard researchers created this mobile robot, that can even pick up items, out of inflated balloon sections.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The VRAR association podcast interview of Stefan Alexander of North, makers of AR Glasses.

The VRAR association podcast interview of Stefan Alexander of North, makers of AR Glasses.

Focals will be “Custom-made glasses with a display only you can see.”  Shipping this year.

North website: https://www.bynorth.com/

Friday, March 20, 2020

Bloomberg report says Magic Leap looking for a buyer. (Most people saw this in the works.)

Bloomberg report says Magic Leap looking for a buyer. (Most people saw this in the works.)

Magic Leap raised $2.1 Billion in Venture Capital, while claiming their value at $10 Billion.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

CGI has advanced to the point where images can be converted as if they were drawn by famous artists.

CGI has advanced to the point where images can be converted as if they were drawn by famous artists.

General Adversarial Network (GAN) involves 2 Neural Network, one to create the image and another to judge if it is good, running against each other.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

UIAlertController has always been too verbose for the most command cases, can this be fixed?

UIAlertController has always been too verbose for the most command cases, can this be fixed?

Pierre Felgines' article explains how he slimmed down Alerts to a much more useful Factory method in Swift.

I especially like how Pierre leads the reader through his though process, improving the API along the way.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Special: The virus and the Digitial Divide

Special: Schools are closing, and setting up to remote teaching using computers. But what about the households who do not have a computer?  The digital divide in our society has always been there, but now more than ever, the split has become apparent.  The closing of locations like libraries that give free Internet access makes it worst.

France fines Apple $1.2 Billion for monopolistic price-fixing.

France fines Apple $1.2 Billion for monopolistic price-fixing.

I find it suspicious that the French choose to do it now (after 10 years) and only fine the other companies less $100 million.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Chuck Joiner of MacVoices interviews Joe Kissell, author & expert mac command line usage.

Chuck Joiner of MacVoices interviews Joe Kissell, author & expert mac command line usage.

Joe explains why changes due to Catalina had him update his book “Takes Control of The Mac Command Line With Terminal”.

Joe’s website and info about his book: https://www.takecontrolbooks.com

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Videos from BA: Swiftable 2019, a brand new iOS conference from Latin America.

Videos from BA: Swiftable 2019, a brand new iOS conference from Latin America.

Held in Buenos Aires in November, nearly 2 dozen videos on a range of Swift & iOS topics.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Vacation Update

Vacation Update: Some of you know that I was planning to go on vacation today, and go on hiatus with my Tech postings. I was scheduled to attend Gulf Wars, the SCA Medieval reenactment event in MS. I drove down on Wednesday to my friends in Orlando, to pick home up, and then head across country to the event. Thursday Night, the event was officially canceled. I will be spending some time with my friend here in Florida and returning on Wednesday. I am glad to see my friends, but I really miss the plans we had for swordplay, teaching classes, and generally enjoying ourselves around the campfires and taverns. See you all soon!

Apple’s WWDC 2020 will be an online-only conference.

Apple’s WWDC 2020 will be an online-only conference.

There is no doubt the coronavirus helped make this decision, but due to other factors, it has been a long time coming.

Comment: The conference has expensive, both for the developer to attend (hotel, travel, tickets) as well as for Apple to product (100s of employees working weeks to prepare). 10x as many developers wanted to show up, as opposed to the limited tickets available. The lottery was always a pain, with it's uncertainty. And finally, with the videos available within hours of the talks, some of us had questioned if to was worth going. This quick release of the talks online has proven that format work. I will miss the gathering, and the energy one generated by being there, but when I was asked last year by my boss if my attending was needed, and I said "No". The only exceptional benefit in going in person happened if you had a project with a problem (UI, Tech, Design), you could talk to some experts at the workshops. But even that has become hit and miss. So, WWDC will continue, but not as it was.

Trivia: Apple's first developer conference was not WWDC. Just before the release of the Mac, Apple had a small (I think about 40 people) conference for PRODOS development (Apple // and Apple ///)! Yes, I attended.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The creators of Pokemon Go are modifying the game to encourage staying at home.

The creators of Pokemon Go are modifying the game to encourage staying at home.

A real-world event is effecting a virtual world environment, to change behavior in the real world. VR/AR/RR (Real reality?) is merging more than ever.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Here are the best AI/ML game opponents.

Here are the best AI/ML game opponents.

I found it fascinating that one company switched from the task of making an opponent bot to making better teammate bots. A much harder task.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Swift compiled fast, but there are ways to make your builds even faster and more optimized.

Swift compiled fast, but there are ways to make your builds even faster and more optimized.

I found Leandro Pérez gives a very real-world experience of using tools like Sitrep & XCLogParser to develop faster.

ps. Anyone else remember the old CodeWarrier ads, that said “Writer Bugs Faster” as a way to emphasize their performance?

Monday, March 9, 2020

For some reason, Microsoft radically changes the UI of their Dashboard for every update of Xbox. Here is that history.

For some reason, Microsoft radically changes the UI of their Dashboard for every update of Xbox. Here is that history.

It is interesting the see the changes, the good and bad ones, and where they went back and forth.

Comment: most platforms choose to gradually change their UI, so as not to confuse their users. Not MS!

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Previously, Danny Sapio give us 10 Evil Design Patterns, now he provided 10 Ethical ones.

Previously, Danny Sapio give us 10 Evil Design Patterns, now he provided 10 Ethical ones.

As he states, “Using honest UX design to create reputable and trustworthy experiences”. I like the trustworthy part.


His original 10 Evil UX Designs article: https://uxdesign.cc/10-evil-types-of-dark-ux-patterns-f5a408c43c62

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Join us on Wed March 25 for DCVR in VA at NovaLabs in Reston VA!

Join us on Wed March 25 for DCVR in VA at NovaLabs in Reston VA!

Paras Kaul will demo a prototype for a mobile Brain-Computer-Interface (BCI), soon to be used in an interactive VR game.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Continuing yesterdays posting on Bartle Player Types, this Gamasutra posting proposes a Unified Model of play styles.

Continuing yesterdays posting on Bartle Player Types, this Gamasutra posting proposes a Unified Model of play styles.

Bart Stewart articles build on original Richard Bartle paper, incorporates other game design models, and gives solution for game design.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

A great introduction to Bartle’s player type,  classification of video game players, and how to design for them.

Amir Dori goes into depth on the four types, and what game designers should do to appeal to each one.

Original Paper by Richard Bartle: https://www.mud.co.uk/richard/hcds.htm

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Among other things, this video shows how seemingly simple math equations can create surprisingly complex computer graphics.

Among other things, this video shows how seemingly simple math equations can create surprisingly complex computer graphics.

Anyone who says math can not be interesting, or beautiful, didn’t have a good teacher.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Most mobile use is done while holding the phone in one hand. The UX design needs to reflect that.

Most mobile use is done while holding the phone in one hand. The UX design needs to reflect that.

Maitrik Kataria of Simform has some thought on how to design with one handed use in mind.

Monday, March 2, 2020

DevFest DC is a great one day conference, not just for Google Technology, but for all areas of development.

DevFest DC is a great one day conference, not just for Google Technology, but for all areas of development.

This year's conference will be June 5, in Tysons Corner, VA. Early Bird Tickets will be on sale on March 15.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

CNN takes on how VR is effecting Music Concerts.

CNN takes on how VR is effecting Music Concerts.

Besides allowing access to sold-out performances, unintrusive 360 cameras could put the viewer upfront, backstage and even possibly on stage.