Friday, July 31, 2020

Thursday, July 30, 2020

People were hoping for AR Glasses from Apple at WWDC. What we got were some interesting ARKit improvements.

People were hoping for AR Glasses from Apple at WWDC. What we got were some interesting ARKit improvements.

The Depth API, Location Anchors, Face Tracking, and more, gives us a clue of the future.

Not mentioned in this article is the new Hand Gesture recognizer, also an important part of Glass based AR/VR.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The in-person Consumer Electronic Show has been canceled, and goes to an online format.

The in-person Consumer Electronic Show has been canceled, and goes to an online format.

This is the first cancelation of a 2021 show/convention that I know of. It won’t be the last. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

OSLog may be one of the most useful tools to come out of this year's WWDC.

OSLog may be one of the most useful tools to come out of this year's WWDC.

Antoine van der Lee of Swift Lee explains how to split your debug log into topics.

Monday, July 27, 2020

What is the best forum for Mac Development nowadays?

What is the best forum for Mac Development nowadays? Any active developer groups (Facebook, Slack, LinkedIn)? My local so-called Mac Dev group has mostly become iOS developers and server-side programmers. I have been working on some open-source projects (announcements in the near future), but I am surprised how few people are working on Apple desktop coding.

As this CNN article shows, the big difference between the upcoming Xbox vs PS5 won’t be hardware, but software.

As this CNN article shows, the big difference between the upcoming Xbox vs PS5 won’t be hardware, but software.

The difference in CPU/GPU powers is almost identical, so it will be the huge amount of exclusive content on PS5 that will make it the winner.

This may be a repeat of last generation square off, where PS4 outsold the Xbox about 2 to 1.  Nintendo will continue to be the popular niche console, mostly due to its exclusive like of Mario/Pokemon games.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Nicolas Bourbaki was a pseudonym for a group of young French mathematicians who forever change Math, and later Computer Science.

Nicolas Bourbaki was a pseudonym for a group of young French mathematicians who forever change Math, and later Computer Science.

This TED Talk explained that prior teachers did not recognize patterns to math formula, so this group wrote papers and textbooks on this topic.

Years later, the concept of reconciling patterns into various different types of formulas and algorithms is a major part of software engineering. I find it fascinating that these young mathematicians were not complaining that the older generation was not being flexible, but that they were not being organized enough.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Marvel released a trailer for Iron Man VR for PSVR. Is this the future of AR/VR?

Marvel released a trailer for Iron Man VR for PSVR. Is this the future of AR/VR?

Ignore the game for a moment, is this the interface general AR/VR user will expect?

In my talks, I have often called this the Tony Stark UI, and use it as an example of what some users anticipate.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

A well thought out article by Saadia Minhas, comparing Checkboxes vs Toggle Switches.

A well thought out article by Saadia Minhas, comparing Checkboxes vs Toggle Switches.

By defining 7 different uses of this type of UI, she shows which one is best for each use.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The best composition on what the unannounced Apple Glass may be.

The best composition on what the unannounced Apple Glass may be.

Abhinav Chandoli is not providing new information, but he has done an excellent job of putting all the know facts together.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

This is an interesting blast from the past. ACM SIG on Computer-Human Interface review of the accomplishments of Apple Advanced Technology Group.

This is an interesting blast from the past. ACM SIG on Computer-Human Interface review of the accomplishments of Apple Advanced Technology Group.

Between 1986-1997, almost all Apple’s cutting edge ideas came from ATG. SIG reviews the project's goals & accomplishments.

Be sure to go through all the pages!

Monday, July 20, 2020

Kristaps Grinbergs explains Websocket support across Apple Platforms using Swift.

Kristaps Grinbergs explains Websocket support across Apple Platforms using Swift.

With the emphasis on high-level RESTful APIs, Websockets has been a neglected technology by Apple. Until last year.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Apparently, Pepsi can not do an ad campaign without getting in trouble

A follow up for today's post: Apparently, Pepsi can not do an ad campaign without getting in trouble. They accidentally offered to give a $30 million fighter jet for $700,000.

Yes, software glitches can cause millions of dollars in damage and even deaths in riots.

Yes, software glitches can cause millions of dollars in damage and even deaths in riots.

In 1992, Pepsi accidentally sent out 800,000 winning prize numbers in a contest in the Philippine. There was only supposed to be one.

Wiki article about the incident:

Saturday, July 18, 2020

An important announcement for VR fans, the PS5 will be compatible with the PSVR.

An important announcement for VR fans, the PS5 will be compatible with the PSVR.

People forget the most popular VR system is the PSVR, with millions of more units sold.

Friday, July 17, 2020

OpenXR Preview for Steam Games goes into Beta.

OpenXR Preview for Steam Games goes into Beta.

This open standard for VA/AR will only be successful if all the platforms support it. Valves release is an important step.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

If you want to be able to loop thru the content of your custom Swift object, you need the Sequence protocol

If you want to be able to loop thru the content of your custom Swift object, you need the Sequence protocol

Navdeep Singh article explains the working and requirements of this useful Swift protocol

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Jean-Louis Gassée, former Apple Executive, thoughts on the impact of Apple Silicon on Macs.

Jean-Louis Gassée, former Apple Executive, thoughts on the impact of Apple Silicon on Macs.

He suggests that this may force Window to also look seriously at replace Intel with ARM.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Before the Mac with its 3.5 drive, there was a prototype Mac using the Lisa 5.25 twiggy disks. There are only 3 of these still existing, and they work!

Before the Mac with its 3.5 drive, there was a prototype Mac using the Lisa 5.25 twiggy disks. There are only 3 of these still existing, and they work!

One was on sale last year, and sold for $150K.  And to think I had my hands on a broken one once, and could have grabbed it, instead they threw it out.

Some of the original team with a functional one:

Friday, July 10, 2020

Jason Yuan, the designer of Mercury OS, explains the reason behind his creation.

Jason Yuan, the designer of Mercury OS, explains the reason behind his creation.

Yuan has been critical of the information overload of modern Desktop OS, and I like his thoughts.

Details about Mercury OS:

Earlier article against the Desktop Metaphor:

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Finally a replacement from archaic Target/Selector pattern, iOS 14 gives us UIAction (with closures)!

Finally a replacement from archaic Target/Selector pattern, iOS 14 gives us UIAction (with closures)!

I completely missed this talk at WWDC, I am glad Anupam Chugh posted about it.

Side note: I am working on a public Swift Package release of my closure based SlamKit. It replaces Mac & iOS user interface elements (with Target/Action, DataSource, Delegate patterns) with a Closure approach. Since it works on almost all older OSes, I will probably stick with that until iOS14 becomes more common, before using UIActions.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Volumetric VR Video, where the user can move his head in 6 degrees of freedom, is a step closer with this Google Paper.

Volumetric VR Video, where the user can move his head in 6 degrees of freedom, is a step closer with this Google Paper.

The current VR movie standard allows the user to turn in any direction, but does not allow any movement in 3D space. Until now…

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

The Swift Package manager has come of age for Apple development, so we need a list of good Packages.

The Swift Package manager has come of age for Apple development, so we need a list of good Packages.

The Awesome Open Source website can provide a list of Swift Packages you can use, including description and some rating.

Celebrate World Chocolate Day

How come no one told me about this one? I needed to be prepared. Order supplies, and such...

Monday, July 6, 2020

An interesting article by Ahamed Nizar suggests that the MacBook Air is no longer needed.

An interesting article by Ahamed Nizar suggests that the MacBook Air is no longer needed.

2 big points for me, the iPads can now do almost everything an Air can do, and the original need for the Air has declined. 

Sunday, July 5, 2020

AdColony has small graphics showing the impact COVID-10 has had on consumer game playing.

AdColony has small graphics showing the impact COVID-10 has had on consumer game playing.

March saw an increase of 60+% in gameplay, I expect the following months will be even higher.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Tom Scott explains what is happening when Green Screening fails badly.

Tom Scott explains what is happening when Green Screening fails badly.

Sometimes you know it looks wrong, with understanding why it does. Scott explains the why, and suggests how to get around these issues. (Hint: don't try to be realistic)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A false arrest based on Facial Recognition alone turns out to be a massive mistake.

A false arrest based on Facial Recognition alone turns out to be a massive mistake.

This is why Tech tools need to be tools humans decide with, not deciders that order humans around.