Monday, November 30, 2020

What was for 50 years the world's largest single-aperture telescope (and a favorite villain hide-out) will soon be gone, due to age and damage by nature.

What was for 50 years the world's largest single-aperture telescope (and a favorite villain hide-out) will soon be gone, due to age and damage by nature.

The Arecibo Observatory has been officially slated for deconstruction before it collapses on its own.


Richard Moss, the author of Secret History of Mac Gaming, has a new project.

Richard Moss, the author of Secret History of Mac Gaming, has a new project.

Shareware Heroes: Independent Games at the Dawn of the Internet is a crowdfunded book that many might enjoy.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

According to Reuters, Apple will try to move some iPad and MacBook manufacturing capacity out of China to Vietnam.

According to Reuters, Apple will try to move some iPad and MacBook manufacturing capacity out of China to Vietnam. 

“Apple wants to diversify its supply chain due to the ongoing trade disputes between the US and China”.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

This may be the biggest $$$ off for a Black Friday Tech Sale. $50,000!!!

This may be the biggest $$$ off for a Black Friday Tech Sale.  $50,000!!!

A 98-inch Samsung TV is going for half off It’s normal obscene $100K price.  Would that really make a difference? If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it.

Friday, November 27, 2020

European Union is about to go after various Tech companies with their Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts.

European Union is about to go after various Tech companies with their Digital Services and Digital Markets Acts.

While I agree some tech companies (including Apple) need to change policies, the EU has been just as authoritative in their decisions.  And not nearly as smart.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

The better article don’t just give you a new tool to use, but also explain how it works, so you learn something.

The better article don’t just give you a new tool to use, but also explain how it works, so you learn something.

John Sundell of Swift by Sundell has been digging into Combine, and we benefit from his explorations.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Leandro Pérez uses analytics tools like Sitrep & XCLogParser to improve his Swift compile time.

Leandro Pérez uses analytics tools like Sitrep & XCLogParser to improve his Swift compile time.

The changes he talks about gave him a 40% improvement!

Apple's recent Mac event ended with a visit from an old friend (they were missing Justin Long, I guess they could not afford him).

Apple's recent Mac event ended with a visit from an old friend (they were missing Justin Long, I guess they could not afford him). 

So I thought I would look back at the famous “Get A Mac” ad campaign (also called “I’m a Mac, I’m a PC”).  Has it really been 14 years?


Monday, November 23, 2020

Facial identification for other animals (bear, cows, monkeys), is this something that was really a requirement?

Facial identification for other animals (bear, cows, monkeys), is this something that was really a requirement?

It is adorable to see the animation of Bear face locating. I had not thought of this use.

The Internet Archive has come to the rescue of old obsolete Flash archive with a new emulator.

The Internet Archive has come to the rescue of an old obsolete Flash archive with a new emulator.

Flash was abandoned for good reason (speed, security, proprietary), but this solution brings back some of the old playfulness of Flash.

Library link:

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Quinn Nelson of Snazzy Labs talks about Modbook from Axiotron, the only 3rd party pad to run Mac software.

Quinn Nelson of Snazzy Labs talks about Modbook from Axiotron, the only 3rd party pad to run Mac software.

This is amazing hardware was a failure, but still was pretty amazing, How rare? I never heard of it!

Modbook site:

Ahmed Ayoub has a great head to head analysis of two major franchise mobile apps.

Ahmed Ayoub has a great head to head analysis of two major franchise mobile apps.

They don’t get much bigger than Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes and Marvel Strike Force.

Friday, November 20, 2020

This is not a tech posting, but it is an intellectual property case I find interesting, regarding a recent lawsuit regarding DragonLance.

This is not a tech posting, but it is an intellectual property case I find interesting, regarding a recent lawsuit regarding DragonLance.

Wizard Of the Coast shut down authors Weis & Hickman, who had the right to continue to create Dragon Lance books. How should this have been handled?

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Amazon is releasing an upgraded Echo Frame to everyone who wants it.

 Amazon is releasing an upgraded Echo Frame to everyone who wants it.

This is not AR glasses, but wearable, voice-controlled mobile computing.

Side note: By most estimates, the visual AR portion of the Google Glass experiment was a failure. However, the voice-controlled computing aspect of it, for things like communication, reference and personal assistant, was much more popular with the users/testers.  I think there is a niche for this.  Why they don’t make it like a pin, ala Star Trek communicator, I do not know.

As people become more familiar with SwiftUI, small features are starting to have a big impact.

As people become more familiar with SwiftUI, small features are starting to have a big impact.

Antoine van der Lee of Swift Lee explains creating view based animation with SwiftUI.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

I agree with the points that Mikhail Medvedev makes. Agile & Scrum do not automatically cause magic.

I agree with the points that Mikhail Medvedev makes. Agile & Scrum do not automatically cause magic.

Not every development effort fits nicely into set boxes.  Aiming for two-week sprints is a nice goal, people force to the meaningless deadline is not.

Apple announced reducing their cut from 30% to 15% for app developers who make less than $1 million.

Apple announced reducing their cut from 30% to 15% for app developers who make less than $1 million.

Obviously, this is aimed at small developers, but I am not sure I understand the logic that large developers should pay more.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Eight360’s high-end, motion simulator replicates the inertial & gravity force you feel for most driving/flying experiences.

Eight360’s high-end, motion simulator replicates the inertial & gravity force you feel for most driving/flying experiences.

Too expensive for the home market ($150,000 per year), but perfect for military & industrial use.  Maybe in the future…

Eight360 Website -

Nuke provides a simple and efficient way to download and display images in your iOS or Mac app.

Nuke provides a simple and efficient way to download and display images in your iOS or Mac app.

Here is a tutorial by Ehab Yosry Amer on working with Nuke using Swift Package Manager.

Nuke repository

Monday, November 16, 2020

I have no idea who created this, but it is an Awesome resource for iOS Development.

I have no idea who created this, but it is an Awesome resource for iOS Development.

“A curated list of awesome iOS ecosystem, including Objective-C and Swift Projects”

Associated Git Repository:

If you are consider yourself a Software Engineer, you should really know these names.

If you are consider yourself a Software Engineer, you should really know these names.

And more importantly, you should know why they are significant for what they did.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Marvel artist JL Mast has posted numerous 360 VR cartoons to be view on desktop or by VR headset.

Marvel artist JL Mast has posted numerous 360 VR cartoons to be view on desktop or by VR headset.

This is one of the first artists I have seen who has created drawing specifically design to be viewed in all directions.

Related page:

Saturday, November 14, 2020

A follow-up to the announcement of the Raspberry Pi 400 system, it is NOT selling for $70, everyone is selling it for $100.

A follow-up to the announcement of the Raspberry Pi 400 system, it is NOT selling for $70, everyone is selling it for $100. Also, you can’t buy one, since it is sold out everywhere I could try!

I still want to get one.

I was surprised Apple did not talk about it at this week's announcements, but AppleTV is available on PS4/5 & Xbox.

I was surprised Apple did not talk about it at this week's announcements, but AppleTV is available on PS4/5 & Xbox.

It is not often that Apple writes software for the game console market.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Tom Brant of PCMag provides an excellent tech review of what makes the M1 chip, also called Apple Silicon, so exciting.

Tom Brant of PCMag provides an excellent tech review of what makes the M1 chip, also called Apple Silicon, so exciting.

Some of the details were explained at Apple’s announcement this week, but Tom explains even more details.

File this under unintended consequences, Monday stocks for several Video Game & Entertainment Stream companies dropped.

File this under unintended consequences, Monday stocks for several Video Game & Entertainment Stream companies dropped.  The reason?  The possibility of a COVID shot, that would allow people out of their homes, where they are now watching movies and playing tons of games.  I would not have thought of that reaction to the good news.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Apple’s new M1 system on chip is not the first time they did this.

Apple’s new M1 system on chip is not the first time they did this. Years ago, just before the Apple // line was retired, they gave us Mega II custom chip. It was essential an Apple //e system, only needing RAM & 65C02. The //e used an early version of it, but the advanced Gemini version was used on Apple // card for Mac LC product line. It allowed almost all of the immense Apple // software to run on the Mac LC.

Mega II chip:

Zoom was not providing high standard, end-to-end encryption for conferences, as promised.

Zoom was not providing high standard, end-to-end encryption for conferences, as promised.

IMHO, this is one of the reasons that this type of conferencing/communication software really needs to be open-source, and verified.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

One of the problems with SwiftUI for experienced Mac developers is that the sequence of events is just different from what we are used to.

One of the problems with SwiftUI for experienced Mac developers is that the sequence of events is just different from what we are used to.

Thankfully we have this article by Keegan Rush of the RayWenderlich team to break it down.

An interesting interview with Jame Silva, an independent game developer.

An interesting interview with Jame Silva, an independent game developer.

James started as a one-man shop, and is now running his own studio of well-regarded cross-platform Metacritic-aggregated games.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Software company Dropbox has decided to become a “Virtual First” company, where remote working is the norm.

Software company Dropbox has decided to become a “Virtual First” company, where remote working is the norm.

No personal offices or desks, just collaborative group conference rooms & working from home. Even after COVID, is this the future of tech office work?

Past Raspberry Pi’s have been marketed as DIY hobby boards, this one is being sold as a PC replacement.

Past Raspberry Pi’s have been marketed as DIY hobby boards, this one is being sold as a PC replacement.

The Raspberry Pi 400 is an all-in-one machine, contained within a keyboard, for $70.

The Raspberry Pi 400 Video:

Monday, November 9, 2020

Due to COVID, the Minnesota Opera will be streaming Wagner’s Das Rheingold, it 2D, 3D & VR!

Due to COVID, the Minnesota Opera will be streaming Wagner’s Das Rheingold, it 2D, 3D & VR!

This is the first time I have heard of such a major performance done this way. They must feel there are enough VR headsets to justify doing this.

A reminder of the past, 14 years ago 17 year old Alan Becker gave us this wall breaking video “Animator vs. Animation”.

A reminder of the past, 14 years ago 17 year old Alan Becker gave us this wall breaking video “Animator vs. Animation”.

Since then, Alan has continued to post entertaining videos on his YouTube channel.  Many in his “meta” style.

Alan’s channel with new material:

About Alan:

Sunday, November 8, 2020

 Ok, it does not have skin, so it looks creepy as hell, but look at the interaction with the human in the room.

Disney release a paper/video regarding work on automatronic robots that respond to people.  They notice some entering, nod towards them, responds to gestures.

Youtube video 1:

Youtube video 2:

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Thanks to California Prop 22, Uber & Lyft can classify their workers are independent contractors.

Thanks to California Prop 22, Uber & Lyft can classify their workers are independent contractors.

Why am I posting this? This will have a major impact on all Gig workers, including those in high tech.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Paul Hudson comes through with 8 SwiftUI Mistakes.

Paul Hudson comes through with 8 SwiftUI Mistakes.

I really like his format of having an article, and a video to go with it.


Finishing my dwell into ethical development, Tech ethicist Shannon Vallor provides a list of ethical review questions.

Finishing my dwell into ethical development, Tech ethicist Shannon Vallor provides a list of ethical review questions.

She provides tools for “ways of implementing ethical reflection, deliberation, and judgment into tech industry engineering and design workflows”.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Adam Rush gives us a tutorial on setting up Xcode Server for iOS Ci/CD.

Adam Rush gives us a tutorial on setting up Xcode Server for iOS Ci/CD.

Continuous Integration/Development (CI/CD) on the Mac has been the holy grail, often desired, rarely found.  This is a needed guide!

Atlassian New Rules of Ethical Design in Tech

Atlassian New Rules of Ethical Design in Tech

This was written by Dr. Matthew Beard, a Fellow at The Ethics Centre. He provides a framework on how to address & solve ethical issues.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

IBM publishes a document covering the Everyday Ethics for AI.

IBM publishes a document covering the Everyday Ethics for AI.

It focuses on Accountability, Value Alignment, Explainability, Fairness & User Data Rights.

Leo Dion of BrightDigit has been programming and blogging about Swift since day 1.

Leo Dion of BrightDigit has been programming and blogging about Swift since day 1.

His articles on all areas of Learning Swift are worth reading

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

“The true power of Combine lies in how it enables us to construct increasingly complex data pipelines.”

“The true power of Combine lies in how it enables us to construct increasingly complex data pipelines.”

An incredibly useful article from Swift by Sundell on Apple’s new declarative API.

In 2017, Andrzej Marczewski was asked to write an article on the ethics of gamification for the ACM’s student publication XRDS.

In 2017, Andrzej Marczewski was asked to write an article on the ethics of gamification for the ACM’s student publication XRDS.

“Gamification is manipulation” and as such, should only be used when ethical considerations are taken into account.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Sunday, November 1, 2020

This is not an article on Gamification, but an article on ethical writing code.

This is not an article on Gamification, but an article on ethical writing code.

Melinda Jacobs, and many others, wants people to realize that most Gamification is manipulation.

“There are only two ways to influence human behavior: you can manipulate it or you can inspire it.” — Simon Sinek.  

I am starting a week of postings on ethical software.