Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Thanks to Ben Darfler for this list of the current best Mac Apps.

Thanks to Ben Darfler for this list of the current best Mac Apps.

As a Mac Developer & User, I stay current on things like this. So I can use any tools to make my life easier and so I can steal, err, borrow any new good UI ideas.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Twenty years ago last week, we were introduced to a Polar Bear owning a paintball shop (nuclear reactor downstairs).

 Twenty years ago last week, we were introduced to a Polar Bear owning a paintball shop (nuclear reactor downstairs).

The Whiteboard, Alaska’s Coolest Webcomic, deserves a call out! Enjoy the characters and the humor.

Enjoy this Ted talk by the inventor of the Electronic Spreadsheet, Dan Bricklin.

Twenty years ago last week, we were introduced to a Polar Bear owning a paintball shop (nuclear reactor downstairs).

The Whiteboard, Alaska’s Coolest Webcomic, deserves call out!  Enjoy the characters and the humor.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

A nice little code snippet on how to put a PickerView inside an UIAlertController.

A nice little code snippet on how to put a PickerView inside an UIAlertController.

There are times when you just want the user to select an option from a list, and a scrolling wheel alert is a perfect way to do it.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Tech Humor

 Dad, what are Clouds made off? 

Son, Linux Servers, mostly.

Les machines de l'île have been putting on shows all over the world. I did not know until this Tom Scott video that they had an open shop with Robot elephant rides!

 Les machines de l'île have been putting on shows all over the world. I did not know until this Tom Scott video that they had an open shop with Robot elephant rides!

The group is famous for its mechanical elephant, huge giant girl, and other mechanical marvels.
ps. Yes, after a month pause, I am starting up my daily tech blog again.

Monday, June 6, 2022