One of the biggest Intellectual Properties in the world is about to be in Public Domain*.
* Sort of...
One of the biggest Intellectual Properties in the world is about to be in Public Domain*.
* Sort of...
Thanks to Andres Ortiz for this great listing of Apple iOS technologoes, and tutorials to help you with them.
Even experience developer have gaps in their knowledge, and are always looking for useful roadsigns.
I have had more than my share of training and classes on public speaking/teaching, and am very familiar with the "Apple" way of giving a talk. Introduce yourself, tell them what you are going to talk about, talk about it, tell them what you talked about, take any questions. It sounds terribly formula, but it actually works to make it memorable for an audience.
I should have turn to the Ghost Howls sooner. He gives the best overall view of Meta’s recent MetaConnect announcements.
I agree the big announcement was not VR, but AI. In fact, the lack of AI content, or use stories, is more than a lot worrisome.
One of the best things about SwiftUI is the abstraction of UI, so specific platforms handles the similar but different elements appropriately.
Thomas Ricouard gives us the new Inspector plane for MacOS & iPadOS.
Enjoy this Youtube Video by Steward Lynch on Phase Animations in iOS 17.
PhaseAnimator view and modifier help with multi-step animation.
Steward’s YouTube Channe:
This month’s DC iOS meeting will have Mac Bellingrath presenting SwiftUI Performance Optimization.
Great topic, great people, even dinner provided. Come join us!
<sigh> This was the advanced version of the project I was working with at Meta.
I am so happy they continued with the product line, especially the Meta AI connectivity for general computing use.
Possibly due to the Swift Evolution process, minor 5.X updates are coming faster than ever!
They don’t have major change, but small useful features. Here are 3 one from Swift 5.9.
Apparently a hard of Ordissens are called an Animaris Rex.
For those not familiar with Theo Jansen's Strandbeest, you are in for a treat.
DC iOS returns to Capital One tomorrow.
Their talk on SwiftUI architecture should be excellent!
We don’t have VisionPro UI now, but folks are trying to emulate it using Quest Pro. Ghost Howls site gives some inside into the UI issues with this project. Will the problem persist one Apple’s hardware?
I am glad to hear of the return of the San Francisco Bay Area Makers Faire!
I have attended smaller fairs, including the NYC one, but I been this is the Mega event to attend.
Tech Analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has made some prediction for Air Pos 2 & VisionPro.
Will the position of next generation tag be good enough for an even better AR experience?
An AR topic near to my heart, interacting with physical markers in mixed media world.
Thanks to Chizara Ibeakanma for explaining how to use Unity & Vuforia.
The mechanical engineering of the utilities for this rotating home is amazing! And it’s for sale.
I looked it up, they are asking or $5.3 million.
Rotating house:
An incredibly well animated interactive page to help you understand Scalable Vector Graphics files.
SVG is the most universal Vector format. I use them for many of my Maker projects (ex: Laser engravers).
File this under disbelief. While looking for some old software, I found this link. They are asking for $120!
ImageWriter Toolkit, an Apple // app, was my first commercial product, and I have some copies around here somewhere. I wonder if I could sell them for this price!
Ps. The app allowed you to dump Apple ][ graphics to an ImageWriter/DMP printer).
If you make a replicate of the Wright Brothers' Model B using modern techniques, is it still cool? You bet it is!
We only have six months of Tom Scott videos before he goes on hiatus. Let us enjoy them!
Quick and easy explanation from Steven Curtis on the new Xcode additions.
I was pleasantly surprised how seamless the SwiftUI (and later this month the VisionOS) previews worked.
Ars Technical explores what developers are finding out regarding Apple’s VisionPro.
I am confident in my mind that VisionPro is for AR, not for 360 immersive VR.
Palmer Luckey, creator of Oculus Creator, discuss Apple’s Vision Pro on Peter Diamandis Youtube Channel.
A very knowledgable talk!
A bit academic, but still an interesting paper on distance education use of VR.
A study regarding “…19 students’ use of head-mounted displays to meet with classmates inside social VR. For 4 weeks, students worked together in small groups on various tasks inside a virtual environment.”
I have been a fan of Alan Becker’s animation since his earliest one, “Animator vs. Animation”. His latest one is based on Math!
Wow, been up for less than 24 hours, and he already has 3 million views. If you get a chance, try watching it in VR!
Health is becoming the new, unexpected hot field for almost all areas of modern computing (watches, console games, phones, and now AR).
I am not surprised Apple will have offered at launch, considering Meta's success with Quest health apps.
Do you have experience developing/testing VR games/apps?
If yes, Professor Craig Yu from GMU would like to have a 1:1 chat with you to learn about your experience, which would help VR research supported by the National Science Foundation!
The chat will take about 15-20 minutes on Zoom. Please sign up!
This is ridiculous, will they sue the Garden of Eden next?
IP property is important, but there are limits. Apple has gone way past this line.
Every time I get to excited about VR, and think its time is NOW, I take a look at this magazine cover, and calm down.
Check out the date. And remember, VR/AR will be a hit, when it happens.
For all my musical friends, especially the Guitar snobs I know out there (You know who you are).
Will this replace live performers, of course not. But there was a reason player pianos were popular. It is also technically cool!
Yes, computers make less mistakes than humans, but when they make one, they have no common sense tor realize the mistake.
Any AI that effects the real world MUST have human 24 hour supervision, so things like this can be corrected.
John Gruber, the host of the Daring Fireball tech pod, had his annual WWDC round-up Talk.
I attended one of his Talks in San Jose a few years ago. Ever since I always watch this informative evening.
Karl Guttag looks in detail at the hardware when comparing Apple vs. Meta.
I agree with his conclusion that price “is largely irrelevant in the long run.” Prove the usefulness, and the price will come down & be acceptable.
Not my regular type of tech posting, but this has all the earmarks of a low-budget movie where a mutant plant life feeds on nuclear radiation.
“...there is the possibility that radiotrophic fungi could help us develop new sources of renewable energy and biomaterials.”
I liked this article by Cameron Manker comparing Apple’s Vision Pro to Google Glass product.
Has the times, and the superior tech, changed enough to allow Apple’s attempt to succeed?
The Verge released a documentary on the burial (literally) of the failed Lisa Computer.
This has the feel of an urban legend that turns out to be true.
Ps. I was there when this happened and did not know about the fine details.
I just realized Apple's new AR Glasses are named Vision Pro.
Does that imply a non-Pro one for next year?
Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift gives us this timely article on Swift 5.9 features.
The Swift Macros was a major announcement at WWDC, so worth reviewing.
Check out my latest article: Pleasantly Surprised with the features of Vision Pro via @LinkedIn
If you want a break from WWDC, join the live broadcast of James Dempsey and the Breakpoints Band.
James has been writing and performing tech songs for years!
DC iOS meets this Tuesday to talk about the WWDC announcements!
It is nice to see Capital One going back to in-person hosting of these tech/social gatherings!