Thursday, April 30, 2020

Nearly 20 years ago, Apple tried their first attempt at Virtual Reality, by introducing standard base on QuickTime

Nearly 20 years ago, Apple tried their first attempt at Virtual Reality, by introducing standard base on QuickTime

Ultimately this attempt failed, but it is an important footnote in VR History.

Last night, while cleaning the catacombs, err, my basement, I found the first Quicktime VR disk, still sealed in the original case. I was one of the few 3rd party developers who worked on some products using QT VR (a medical app). We had no dedicated hardware glass to view the output, which may have been one of the reasons it failed. Instead one viewed the QuickTime video on the screen, using the mouse to scroll or rotate in all directions. It did introduce the idea of two different VR patterns: the panoramic view (looking outward) and the object view (looking inward at a 3D object you could rotate). Another reason for the lack of success was the timing, it was too early. There were few 360 cameras at the time, none of them not high cost. Most panoramic views were created by taking photos in all directions and stitching them together. Most object views were actually rendered in 3D graphics. Graphics were too slow to render the object in real-time, so generating an object movie actually made sense. I wonder what could have been done if we had the hardware back then.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

APIs for iOS are always expanding, so Anupam Chugh gives us a list of best new technologies to incorporate in your app.

APIs for iOS are always expanding, so Anupam Chugh gives us a list of best new technologies to incorporate in your app.

He doesn’t just list the tech, but gives examples of using the feature, including code. Nice job!

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Don’t watch the video as a TED class, think of it as a game. Why can’t other logic games be this well designed?

Don’t watch the video as a TED class, think of it as a game. Why can’t other logic games be this well designed? Alex Gendler with Artrake Studio created this puzzler, from a classic logic puzzle book. Present the game, allow the user to play, then explain the results. A perfect game!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Continuing exploring variations of DropDown field UI, Tess Gadd's article provides a cheat sheet.

Continuing exploring variations of DropDown field UI, Tess Gadd's article provides a cheat sheet.

Feedback text, multi-select, groups; these are all feature I had not considered before now.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Apple’s MapKit for iOS has come a long way since the initial release.

Apple’s MapKit for iOS has come a long way since the initial release.

Controlling camera boundary & zoom, optimized overlays, search and auto-complete, points of interest. There are all new or improved.

For an early release of MapKit, my company had an iOS app that allowed you to bookmark your location. Save My Place had good reviews, but never became popular, mostly due to poor marketing.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Anna Zhilyaeva is something new, a Virtual Reality painter and performance artist.

Anna Zhilyaeva is something new, a Virtual Reality painter and performance artist.

The videos of her creations, and watching her create them, is very impressive.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Some great suggestions on how to improve the UI of traditional Dropdown views.

Some great suggestions on how to improve the UI of traditional Dropdown views.

Danny Sapio's articles have been excellent lately, I recommend following him on UXDesign.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Michael Katz of the Raywenderlich team gives us VIPER, a replacement for MVC.

Michael Katz of the Raywenderlich team gives us VIPER, a replacement for MVC.

His real world example of blending to the components of VIPER (View, Interactor, Presenter, Entity & Router) with the SwiftUI and Combine frameworks.

In a completely unrelated (but cute) coincidence, scientist have discovered a new bright green Viper. They have named it after Salazar Slytherin!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

One of my new favorite Youtube channels, “This Does Not Computer” explores retro video games, computers and tech.

One of my new favorite Youtube channels, “This Does Not Computer” explores retro video games, computers and tech.

I like, not just Colin’s video style, but his insight into the past.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Matt Gallagher, creator of StreamToMe, gives tale of the development, and final cancelation of his iOS App.

Matt Gallagher, creator of StreamToMe, gives tale of the development, and final cancelation of his iOS App.

One of the hardest things a developer has to do is make the decision when an idea is over. But you have to make these decisions.

Monday, April 20, 2020

A virtual Tour of the Governor's Palace at Colonial Williamsburg show how 360 content can be used well.

A virtual Tour of the Governor's Palace at Colonial Williamsburg show how 360 content can be used well.

There is no 360 video, but the 360 still photos are excellent, as well as the hyper linking between locations and additional information.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

An older article, talking about the business decisions Steve Jobs made after returning to Apple.

An older article, talking about the business decisions Steve Jobs made after returning to Apple.

Not surprisingly, most of them dealt with getting the right people in the right position.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Yet another tech conference has decided to become online only, in this case Facebook’s Oculus Connect 7.

Yet another tech conference has decided to become online only, in this case Facebook’s Oculus Connect 7.

It does feel appropriate that a VR conference becomes virtual, but this conference is notorious for handing out expensive hardware. Will they still do that?

ps. Thanks Jordan for mentioning this.

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Swift organizations have come up with ArgumentParser, a method to parse command-line arguments.

The Swift organizations have come up with ArgumentParser, a method to parse command-line arguments.

Federico Zanetello of Five Star blogs explains the features of the final release version of this open-source library.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Most developers don't know about SF Symbol.

Most developers don't know about SF Symbol. A mostly unknown resource, Apple released the SF Symbol font to provide a range of scalable commonly used icons.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

It is hard to make a big splash, when you can’t gather people. Did you know Apple announced their new low end iPhone?

It is hard to make a big splash, when you can’t gather people. Did you know Apple announced their new low end iPhone?

The iPhone SE is $300 less than iPhone 11, with some older features, but has a pretty impressive camera.

I would buy it.

CNN take:

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

This is just cute, Priyans Brahmbhatt animates the famous Star Wars title effect using SwiftUI.

This is just cute, Priyans Brahmbhatt animates the famous  Star Wars title effect using SwiftUI.

Start with large text below, then scrolling them smaller up to infinity, this is a piece of beauty.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Beside Prefixes & Suffixes in the English Language, there are also Infixes, but you usually don't talk about them in school

Beside Prefixes & Suffixes in the English Language, there are also Infixes, but you usually don't talk about them in school

I abso-XXX-lutely love Tom Scott tech videos, but he also dwells into another favorite topic of mine, Linguistics. As a software design expert, I think all developers should study some of this.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Some thoughts from Software experts on the best languages to learn, with a lot of links to similar articles.

Some thoughts from Software experts on the best languages to learn, with a lot of links to similar articles. 

I like the idea that a developer should learn one new programming language a year. Or maybe one complex SDK or API.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Great website with a realtime presentation of the Apollo 13 launch, accident and rescue mission.

Great website with a realtime presentation of the Apollo 13 launch, accident and rescue mission.

Today is the 50th Anniversary of the launch, with the Accident's anniversary on Tuesday at 10 pm.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Omar Rabbolini makes a compelling argument that Apple has slowed down as an innovator in design.

Omar Rabbolini makes a compelling argument that Apple has slowed down as an innovator in design.

Where you are number 1 at something, with a huge margin, you don’t always take risks with new ideas.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Bruno Rocha of SwiftRocks presents some unknown but useful Global functions from the Swift Standard Library.

Bruno Rocha of SwiftRocks presents some unknown but useful Global functions from the Swift Standard Library.

There small, simple, and surprisingly useful once you get into the habit of using them.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

New Project for Me

The current crisis has left with some time on my hands, so I am developing a project that I have wanted to work on for a while, recreating the old MacApp framework with Swift, and the heavy use of Closures. This will be a tool to make it easier to create professional-quality Mac utilities and document-based apps. All document storage will use Swift’s Codeable protocol (usually JSON on the file level). The framework will handle standard UI elements such as Preferences panels, Welcome/Onboarding screens and Help system. Under the hood, there will be better management of tasks like Undo and Sharing. The User interface will be created using Storyboards, but will rely not on IBOutlets and IBAction, but instead on Closures. This is an ongoing work in progress, that will have more building blocks as I go along, to help me produce some new product ideas I have. In my opinion, without a tool like this, creating a simple, but full feature Mac application has become to complex. I hope this simplifies it, if only for my own work.

Forbes magazine gives us a list of the best out-of-the-home XR from last year.

Forbes magazine gives us a list of the best out-of-the-home XR from last year. 

Obviously these are shut down with the current crisis, but it is great to see where we are going with VR.

Note: I love how pundits and others are using the term XR everywhere, without explaining what it means. Yes, there is more than one explanation of that abbreviates. Extended Reality, Extreme Reality, Cross Reality. I honestly not sure which application they were talking about, in this article.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

An unintended consequence of the virus crisis has caused a need for Cobol programmer. WHAT!?!?

An unintended consequence of the virus crisis has caused a need for Cobol programmer.  WHAT!?!?

Apparently, the stress on NJ unemployment computers requires people who know how to program this ancient programming language.

Personal note: I actually had some one offer me a 6 months contract to do some Cobol programming 2 years ago.  First, I have never programmed in Cobol, as you can guess by the name “common business-oriented language”, it was intended for the business world. Mostly main frame systems like pay roll and accounting.  I have programmed in Fortran, so I do have obsolete knowledge.  The second strange thing about the 6 month contract gig was that it was on-site in Poland. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Keeping up to date is a full-time job, these 30 swift sites help

Keeping up to date is a full-time job, these 30 swift sites help

Feedspot created a list of 30 Swift Programming websites and blogs for 2020

Saturday, April 4, 2020

True Story

"One thing that I learned while working at Apple was that the first step of any Apple programming project is to design the T-Shirt." - Steve Sheets

Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift give his list of best Apps for iOS developers

Paul Hudson of Hacking with Swift give his list of best Apps for iOS developers

Sadly, I only use one of them, and recognized 1 other. I suspect I will be doing some App reviews ASAP.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

A pretty amazing video history lesson on Apple’s first unsuccessful attempt at Unix, the lesser-known A/AU.

A pretty amazing video history lesson on Apple’s first unsuccessful attempt at Unix, the lesser-known A/AU. Yes, years before Steve Jobs brought NextStep Unix to the Mac with OS X, we had another Unix OS on the Mac. I remember being trained on using A/UX while at Apple. Not trained on programming it, since almost no one I knew understood why Apple wanted to do this.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

For newer iOS developer, an explanation of the different storage mechanisms.

For newer iOS developer, an explanation of the different storage mechanisms.

Donny Wals does a nice job laying out the options. 

Note: I often write protocols to standardize the storage of data, regardless of the underlining technology be it User Defaults, Core Data, even network storage. One of the more exciting parts of Apple’s new Combine framework is a similar idea for handling local & network storage.